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Melittidae are typically small to moderate-sized bees, which are well known for their specialist foraging habits.


Melittidae are strictly solitary and nest in burrows that they dig in soil or sand.

All females can reproduce and tend to emerge from the ground some days before the male.


They generally mate on host-plants surrounding the area they have emerged.

After mating, the gravid female creates a burrow where they bring pollen.

On top of the pollen, one egg is laid.


This is consumed by the larva over 10 days, after which the larva overwinters and pupates in the next year.


There are 3 Genus in the Melittidae family that are native to the UK, They are Dasypoda, Macropis & Melitta



The Dasypoda Genus has 1 species of bee native to the UK -


Dasypoda hirtipes (Pantaloon Bee)



The Macropis Genus has 1 species of bee native to the UK -


Macropis europaea (Yellow-loosestrife Bee)



The Melitta Genus has 4 species of bee native to the UK -


Melitta dimidiata (Sainfoin Bee)

Melitta haemorrhoidalis (Gold-tailed Melitta)

Melitta leporina (Clover Melitta)

Melitta tricincta (Red Bartsia Bee)


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